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You also can win a Grand-Prize to joining the WORLD QUIZ CONTEST. The Grand-Prize winner will receive one latest " Samsung Galaxy" MOBILE PHONE. The Grand-Prize will be drawn from winner's local post office or courier service offices.
Hi honorable participant, congratulation to our small effort. Here you have to provide only three (3) answers of three unique questions. A Raffle Draw will be held in the end of each month. By virtue of luck if you select in this draw then you will get an attractive GRAND-PRIZE.

How to do it ? 
It is most important for this! we ensure that it is very simple and easy. Read our a few Instructions from the tab menu to know more about this. Now lets come to join WORLD QUIZ CONTEST.

To Join and Win the Quiz Contest you just need to go in two simple (2) steps.

(1) Click the Red Button below to download the script of Quiz Questions.  After download, Right      Click on this file and Extract it. Then read the Quizzes and make appropriate answers of those

(2) Click the Blue Button below to submit your QUIZ CONTEST ANSWER FORM. After open the Answer Form carefully fill your details data in accordance with required* on the Form.

Finish and please wait till the Raffle Draw in the end of this month.
You will be also know next additional information by an automated email sent to your inbox.
